OU's mission statement

"The mission statement of the University of Oklahoma is to provide the best possible educational experience for our students through excellence in teaching, research, and creative activity, and service to the state and society."

I think that OU is fulfilling their mission statement completely. I feel like at this university, (as cheesy as this sounds) anything is possible. We have such a large variety of classes and clubs, that there is absolutely something for everyone. I am discovering new things everyday. Like last week, although I had heard of a “math help center”, I never really knew how awesome it was. I was having trouble with one of my assignments so I decided I'd try going to this place... It is math heaven! You just sit there and do what you can. When you're confused, you simply raise your hand, and they help explain the whole equation to you....Love for sure! J

But on a more serious note... I truly feel like OU has really gone the extra mile when it comes to making resources available to us, and by doing everything they can to help us through this journey. I feel like anytime I feel overwhelmed or confused, I'm not alone. The faculty has done an amazing job at being very personable and willing to answer absolutely any questions that us newbies may have. :) When I need to know something, I never feel like there is not an answer right at my finger tips. The professors that I have had the privilege so far to encounter have been nothing less then excited to teach and actually be here to guide us all. Overall, I think that OU has done a great job at putting their mission statement into actions. I’ve grown up learning that "actions speak louder than words," and at the University of Oklahoma, I believe their mission statement does just that..

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