About Me!

Hello World! :)
My name is Madison TaeLor Wells—Yes; the "L" in my middle name is capitalized—long story. :) I'm 18 and currently a student at OU! Woot woot! I am a Christian and try to live each day for Jesus Christ—He is my Savior and my rock as I go through each day. Basically, He... is…the bomb! :)
Lets see, a little about me. I grew up in the wonderful town of Lawton, OK. I graduated from Lawton High School (the best, by the way) where I cheered and played softball for four years. During high school I stayed pretty busy. I was in student council all four years, on the FCA leadership team, softball captain, cheer captain, Lore Queen and Homecoming canidate—along with lots of extra's in between. They definately made those years go by in a blink of an eye. Not cheering or playing softball in college definitely has been a change that is taking a while to get used to. I’ve played competitively for 7 years and definitely will have to find a way to fill that void. I’m thinking maybe intramurals soon. :) I miss softball so much. As for my fam?...I love them—tons. I don’t know what I’d do without them. I talk to them several times a day. Can’t imagine not. :) My parents are some of the coolest people you will ever meet. I admire my dad because he is always willing to offer a helping hand—no matter what. I admire my mom because she has this never-ending optimism about her. She can find the positive in any situation, and always seems to be able to turn a frown upside down. Haha! :) The support they show for my brother and I comes with no ties. Its unconditional, everlasting, and most of all uplifting. Oh yeah—I forgot to mention that I have a little brother who just started high school. He is 15 years old and insists he is my "older brother" simply because he is taller—silly boy! :) As far as pets go, I’m definitely an animal lover—for sure. I have had my share of animals from rabbits, birds, dogs, fish, and even hermit crabs. :) However, I currently care for only one pet. Well actually, my family now cares for her, but she is a very hyper-active Wheaton Terrier named Roxi. Her energy keeps me smiling without a doubt. My future goals consist of reaching a career in Speech Pathology. I hope to work in the school system with pre-school aged children. I have a passion for little kids, always have. Probably because I live to have fun—just lilke them. :) They amaze me with their enthusiasm for life, their never-ending excitement, their desire to learn, but most of all the ability to love with no limits. As for now, I’m so pumped that football season is finally here. I’ve literally been counting down the days. I’m a huge sports fan—no matter what sport. Did I mention I love softball? Haha! For a little more of a glimpse into my likes—laughing, working out, sharpies, and twizzlers....and oh so very much more. :)

Have a great day!!


  1. You should definitely consider intramurals!

    http://recservices.ou.edu/content/view/162/103/ <--This website should have all the information you'd need!

    Your family sounds fabulous! Aren't all brothers so silly? =)

    I had hermit crabs when I was younger too! My sister and I named them Gilligan and Skipper. Haha, I don't know what I was thinking! I love fluffy animals! Hermit crabs, if you've noticed, are not so fluffy. But we loved those hermit crabs, for whatever reason.

    Great blog post! I'm excited to read more!


  2. You are just a bright of light in our class! Lucky OU to have you. I'm excited for all that is ahead of you at OU!

    I agree with Tiffany, your family sounds great. And yes you should each and everyday give thanks for such blessings as your family, faith and friends!

    Have a great weekend! kate
