Get Ready! :)

Seniors 10 of Lawton High,
Get ready for the journey of your life. Right around the corner you'll be in a whole new world, you never could imagine. Life at OU is simply the bomb. :) College life is so different from high school. Not that high school wasn't awesome bc it most definitely was! There was nothing like it, and probably will never be anything close...but college is going to be just as awesome--just in a different way. The memories are going to be as impacting as all the ones from high school, I'm sure. And there will never be memories to match those of college. As for some tips for starting off college right...
1. Do some research on your professors before you pick 'em. Bc you can. Haha. It can definitely make a difference in your final academic success.
2. This may sound like a bummer, but take a summer class before you get here... then you can take a lighter load your first semester to get adjusted. Some of my friends took 21 hours their first semester....can we say nightmere?!
3. Beware of the Freshman 15! Take on good eating/excercising habits before you get here.
4. Last but not least (bc there's sooo much more than this!) get used to a busy life. But one that is oh so much fun!

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it amazing how we understand life by looking backwards but it must be lived forwards?!? I love your writings...I can hear Madison talking!
