Prioritizing the Priorities

Keeping priorities prioritized is a must. Haha! :) I think I was first taught about priorities when I was two. Haha.. just kidding. Actually, priorities are pretty helpful in keeping me on track. I remember first feeling overwhelmed by the thought of priorities. I think it was when I started junior high, and it was time to keep everything in order with 6 different classes and all that homework. I was so proud to get organized with my brightly decorated folders for each class. Haha! :) I was active in student council, cheerleading, and softball back then as well. That continued up through high school, and I was able to juggle quite a bit of stuff, but my parents always taught me what should always be at the top of that good ol' priority list. Along the way, I've used this to guide me:
J esus
O thers
Y ourself

I believe that putting God first is the most important thing for me in my life, then others--as everyone can use a helping hand, and then myself and all that I love to do.

My commitment to my academics, softball, cheering, student council and whatever I was currently signed up for was always important to me. Since I’ve moved to Norman and started college, I have been focusing on trying to keep them in order. It can be tempting to put off things with managing your own time, but I believe it is really important for me to stay focused on my goals. A plan always helps me so I always try to create one ahead of time. I spend most of my full day, working on academics, making sure to schedule in study time each day, then, that leaves the evenings for some down time. :) So far its working, so we’ll see how it goes! I am also in a sorority, and that can really keep you busy so its extra important to keep my planner by my side…Always. Hahaha

Have a great day! :)

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